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Bronze Arrow
Bronze Arrow

Keeping Healthy

Know the 8 Basic Health Rules.

  1. Wash your hands before eating and after using the toilet.
  2. Take a bath or shower at least once a day.
  3. Brush your teeth before bed and after breakfast, rinse your mouth with water after other meals or snacks.
  4. Eat different kinds of food everyday mostly at mealtimes.
  5. Drink at least 8 glasses of water every day.
  6. Run and play outdoors doing regular exercise.
  7. Get the sleep you need - at least 8 hours a day.
  8. Visit your dentist twice a year.

Physical Fitness, Sports and Hobbies

  1. Be able to do five (5) of the following basic physical feats of skill:
    1. A deep knee bend.
    2. Touch toes without bending knees.
    3. Elephant walks.
    4. Front roll and back roll.
    5. Hopping on one foot.
    6. A blast off jump.
    7. Heel click while standing.
    8. A spider crawl.
    9. Throw a ball against a wall 2 metres away and catch it 6 times out of ten.
    10. Have someone 5 metres away throw a ball and catch it 4 times out of 6.
    11. Walk along a plank 8 cm wide for 3 metres.
  2. Know what the four basic food groups are:-
  3. Display a sportsmanlike attitude in all activities.
  4. Choose a new sport or hobby to learn about.


  1. Explain the rules about talking to strangers at home and in public places.
  2. Explain the road safety rules of your country as a pedestrian and as a cyclist.
  3. Identify 6 traffic rules.
  4. Explain the general water safety rules.
  5. Explain how to help prevent accidents at home.


  1. Demonstrate the 8 principal points of a compass, N, S, W, E, NW, SW, SE, NE.
  2. Explore your neighbourhood. Find out where important places are; such as a school, church, doctor's office, post office, fire station, police etc. and tell your Leader.
  3. Make a map of your neighbourhood.
  4. Learn how to make the reef knot and slip knot. Know their uses.
  5. Take part in a cook out.


  1. Carry out three simple scientific experiments.
  2. Keep a simple weight log.
  3. Explain how to use basic technical equipment, i.e. calculator, computer, T.V. or radio, camera D.V.D. or V.C.R.
  4. Find out some information about the stars and planets and tell your Leader.


  1. Find out about birds, animals, fish and plants and tell your Leader.
  2. Make a collection of natural objects.
  3. Go on a nature hike with your pack or six, make a list of things that come from the earth.
  4. Make a list of five ways your neighbourhood can get dirty, including water and air.
  5. List five ways to save water and energy at home.
  6. Find out about being a member of the ‘GREEN TEAM’ and explain it to your Leader.


  1. Telephone know how – Keep a list of emergency numbers beside your phone. Explain how to use a pay phone. Identify basic phone manners.
  2. Have a fun time using secret codes and ciphers.
  3. Know how to say hello in three different languages.


  1. Do three simple art projects, one drawing, one using crayons/markers colouring, one using paints, one using pencil/charcoal.
  2. Do three craft projects, one using recycled materials.
  3. Do two items for entertainment in your group or six. Choose from songs, skits, music or magic. (Need not be done as an individual.)

Home And Community

  1. Over a period of a month, do the five basic home help projects:
    1. Fold a scarf.
    2. Make your bed.
    3. Hang up your clothes, and put toys and books away carefully.
    4. Clean your shoes.
    5. Prepare a simple meal for yourself and a friend.
  2. Make a record of your family tree starting with your grandparents.
  3. Help plan a family activity, i.e. Party, outing or games and tell your Leader.
  4. Take part in two community projects, i.e.. Visit a local place of interest and find out how it serves the community: make a list of people who help in the community, suggest any way you can make their job easier. With a friend make use of your local community amenities i.e. library, museum, art gallery, play ground and tell your Leader.

My Country

  1. Do two items of national heritage – National Anthem and Pledge, know them, who wrote the music and words, how to behave etc.
  2. Identify two items of historical interest, visit them, draw them, photograph them, make a postcard collection.
  3. Describe two items of geographical interest for tourism knowledge.
  4. Perform two items of cultural interest, i.e., dance, song or music, dress or food.

Other Countries and Cultures

  1. Learn and record four things about another Caribbean country, i.e. name, size, peoples, flag, anthem, capital.
  2. Learn and record three things about Scouting in another Caribbean country.

My Promise

  1. Make up and share a simple prayer about your family, your friends or your hobbies.
  2. Keep a good turns’ diary for a week, showing how you have helped other people.
  3. When you have almost completed your Bronze Arrow make a list of times that you can remember that you have put your Promise and Law into practice.

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