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Scout Promise

Beaver Scouts

I promise to do my best,
To be kind and helpful,
And to love God.

Cub Scouts

I promise to do my best,
To do my duty to God,
And my Country,
To help other people,
And to keep the Cub Scout Law.

Scouts, Venture Scouts & Leaders

On my honour,
I promise that I will do my best,
To do my duty to God,
And my Country,
To help other people,
And to keep the Scout Law.


Scout Law

Cub Scouts

A Cub Scout always does his best,
Thinks of others before himself and
Does a good turn every day.

Scouts, Venture Scouts & Leaders

  1. A Scout is to be trusted.
  2. A Scout is loyal.
  3. A Scout’s duty is to be useful and to help others.
  4. A Scout is a friend to all and a brother to every Scout.
  5. A Scout is courteous.
  6. A Scout is kind to animals.
  7. A Scout is obedient to those in authority.
  8. A Scout is cheerful especially in the face of difficulty.
  9. A Scout is thrifty.
10. A Scout is clean in thought, word, and deed.


Scout Motto

Be Prepared.


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