Home>BBSA>Chief Commissioner's Council

National Management Team

The Chief Commissioner, who is the Chief Executive Officer, is accountable to the National Scout Council for the satisfactory running of Scout Headquarters. He is assisted and supported by the Chief Commissioner’s Council.

The Chief Commissioner’s Council, comprising the Deputy Chief Commissioner(s), the International Commissioner, Deputy International Commissioner, Assistant Chief Commissioners, Sectional National Committee Chairs, District Commissioners, National Scouters and National Administrative Assistants, meet as frequently as necessary under the chairmanship of the Chief Commissioner.

The purpose of the Chief Commissioner’s Council is to:

  • review the progress, standards and effectiveness of National programmes;
  • give support and encouragement to Scout Districts;
  • plan any programme of National events deemed to be necessary to supplement Scouting in the Scout Districts; and
  • keep the National Executive Committee advised of the financial requirements of National programmes.


Trevor DeT. A. Jones

Chief Commissioner

Martin Taylor

Deputy Chief Commissioner & International Commissioner

Marva Cobham

Deputy Chief Commissioner & National AiS Commissioner

     Monique     Scantlebury-Hinds

National Training Commissioner & Chair, National Beaver Scout Committee

Rondell Trim

National Youth Commissioner

         Sandra         Alleyne-Richards

ACC Administration

Michael Broome

ACC Property Development

E. Anthony Archer

ACC Special Assignments

Cheryl Callender

ACC General Duties

Sonia A. Jones

District Commissioner Bridgetown District

Courtney Shepherd

District Commissioner Northern District

Gloria Bryan

District Commissioner Southern District

Mark Green

Chair, National Cub Scout Committee

Danny S. A. Babb

Chair, National Scout Committee

Cedric Mayers

Chair, National Venture Scout Committee

Richard R. Perkins

Chair, National Appointments Advisory Committee

Alicia Als-Grant

Chair, National Communications & PR Committee

Carolyn Maynard

Chair, National Youth Programme Committee

Sylvester Blackman

National Scouter

Ryan L. Charlemagne

National Scouter

Lavonne Hinds

National Scouter

Fabian Norville

National Scouter

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