- Know the rules relating to access to airfields as laid down in Policy, Organisation and Rules. Understand the factors involved in selecting the launch point on the field,
- Successfully complete the equivalent to the British Hand-gliding and Paragliding Association’s Paragliding Ground Training including landing rolls and inflation and collapse of canopy by wing-tip holders and paragliders.
- Carry out the equivalent to the British Hand-gliding and Paragliding Association’s Course of Training in controlled descents, and self-released flights up to the standard of 360 degree stable turns.
- Carry out canopy control practice on the ground and have a basic knowledge of the flight and steering principles of the canopy.
- Understand and perform the duties of wing-tip holder, look-out and tensiometer reader, and understand the function of the launch marshal.
- Understand the care, packing and storage of equipment.
A Scout must not attempt the requirements of this badge until he or she is at least 14 years old.