Complete the requirements below:

- Pitch, strike, and store a tent correctly.
- Pack a rucsac to include provisions, clothing, first aid kit, map and compass for a weekend camp.
- Demonstrate the safe use of a sheath knife or clasp knife, hand-axe and bow saw and know how to maintain and store each of them.
- Complete any seven of the following:
- Name the parts of a boat and its equipment, prepare it for a water activity and use it.
- Be able to steer and manoeuvre a boat, canoe, kayak or dinghy.
- Prepare, cook, serve and clear away a meal and a hot drink out of doors using an open fire.
- Be familiar with safety precautions for the correct use of potentially dangerous equipment such as lamps, stoves, axes and saws.
- Be able to perform mouth-to-mouth ventilation and demonstrate the recovery position. Deal with shock, fainting, nosebleeds, stings, minor cuts, burns and scalds.
- Complete a simple navigation exercise involving map and compass.
- Demonstrate the correct use of six knots, bends, or hitches used in Scouting activities.
- Take part in a observation exercise.
- Show how you would set out a well-planned camp site.
- Plan and use a balanced menu for a weekend camp for your Patrol.
- Complete a simple orienteering, mapping or navigation exercise, which includes setting a map, taking compass bearings, map references and knowledge of Ordnance Survey conventional signs.
- Prepare a personal first aid kit for a day’s outing and know how to use each item in it.
- Identify the parts of an aircraft and explain the principles of flight.
- Carry out an activity using a knot, a bend, a hitch and a lashing and demonstrate rope sealing.
- Take an active part in a pioneering project out of doors with your Patrol.
- Demonstrate the correct use of the Barbados Flag and your Troop flag or colours.
Sea Scouts must complete options 4a. and 4b. as part of their seven optional requirements.