
To gain this badge you must complete all the requirements in one of the following alternatives:

  Alternative A – Singing  
  1. Sing a solo with accompaniment or take part in a part song.
  2. Read at sight three songs.
  3. Know some basic principles and fundamentals of music as appropriate to your chosen form of singing.
  4. Discuss with the examiner some appropriate recent performances you have heard at concerts, on radio or television, or from a recording.
  Alternative B – Folk  
  1. Complete one of the following:
    1. Sing unaccompanied two different types of folk song – for example, spiritual and sea shanty, mountain song and lullaby.
    2. Sing, with your own accompaniment (banjo, guitar, mandolin, and so on), two different types of folk song.
    3. Play two different types of folk music on a banjo, guitar, mandolin, concertina, harmonica or other folk instrument.
  2. Know some basic principles and fundamentals of music, such as tuning your own instrument, keys, chords and bass notes.
  3. Discuss with the examiner some of the types of folk music and performers or artists which you enjoy. You must be prepared to give reasons for your choice.
  Alternative C – Percussion Drummer  
  1. Be a member of a musical group, either at school, in your Scout Group, or other organisation.
  2. Take part in a stage presentation.
  3. Perform routine maintenance on your instrument.
  4. Perform basic drum rudiments.
  5. Play a good class roll in the following form:
    • 3 paces roll;
    • 5 paces roll;
    • 7 paces roll.
  6. Take part satisfactorily in six different pieces of music,
  Alternative D – Marching Band  
  1. Be a member & a band in which you have served for a minimum of six months, either at school, in your Scout Group, Scout District or other organisation and provide proof of regular attendance.
  2. If a member of a uniformed marching band:
    1. Present yourself for examination in full and correct Bandsman’s uniform and demonstrate an understanding of why a Bandsman’s turnout should be smart and correct.
    2. Demonstrate your proficiency in basic drill movements including marking time, turns, wheels, counter-marching and carrying of instruments, in both quick time and slow time.
  3. Present your instrument and accessories for inspection and demonstrate your ability to perform routine maintenance and where applicable, tuning of your instrument.
  4. Take part satisfactorily in six different marches, playing one of the under mentioned instruments:
  5. Beat in 2/4, 3/4 and 6/8 time.
  6. Play ‘off beats’ in 2/4, 3/4 and 6/8 time.
  7. Play a proficient closed roll in the following forms:
    • 3 pace roll:
    • 5 pace roll;
    • 7 pace roll.
  8. Demonstrate dynamics technique.
  9. Show a good proficiency of stick drill.
  10. March over a distance of at least 50 metres, beating a strict quick march tempo.
  11. March over a distance of at least 50 metres, beating a strict slow march tempo.
  12. Play a drum solo of your choice.
  13. Play two solos of your own choice.
  14. Demonstrate an understanding of the terms attack, tone and dynamics.
  15. Perform tongued and slurred notes.
  16. Play one of the following:
    • Bugle – play as a solo ‘Sunset’ and ‘Last Post’.
    • Valved instruments – play as a solo The National Anthem.
  17. Show proficient cymbal drill when playing at the halt and on the march with simple ‘flourishing’.
  18. Demonstrate ‘off beat’ technique in 2/4, 3/4 and 4/4 time.
  19. March over a distance of at least 50 metres, beating a strict quick march tempo.
  20. March over a distance of at least 50 metres, beating a strict slow march tempo.
  21. Show proficient stick drill and flourishing whilst beating at the halt and on the march.
  22. Demonstrate 2/4, 3/4 and 6/8 time.
  23. Tenors and multi-toms to demonstrate off beats in 2/4. 3/4 and 6/8 time.
  24. March over a distance of at least 50 metres, beating a strict quick march tempo.
  25. March over a distance of at least 50 metres, beating a strict slow march tempo.


These marches are to be played whilst actually marching and, if necessary, may be accompanied by other instruments to complete harmonies.

  Alternative E – Other Instruments  

For musical instruments not covered elsewhere in this badge:

  1. Play two solos, one of your own choice and the other at sight, on any recognised musical instrument other than a percussion instrument.
  2. Complete one of the following:
    • Produce a concerted item with others, in which you must play the instrument used in requirement 1.
    • Play another solo of different type and speed than those played in requirement 1.
  3. Know some basic principles and fundamentals of music as appropriate to your chosen instrument.
  4. Discuss with the examiner some appropriate recent performances you have heard at concerts, on radio or TV, or from a recording.
  Alternative F – Handbell 1  
  1. Be a regular member of a handbell team, either at school, in your Scout Group or other organisation for a period of at least three months,
  2. Take part in a stage presentation.
  3. Know how to care for a set of handbells.
  4. Be able to read music appropriate for handbell ringing and translate this through a good striking technique.
  Alternative G – Handbell 2  
  1. Know the names and functions of various parts of a handbell.
  2. Be capable of ringing any two handbells in both ’rounds’ and ‘call changes’, maintaining a good striking performance.
  3. Ring the trebles for a Plain Hunt to a maximum of eight bells,
  4. Complete one of the following:
    • Ring the trebles for a touch of 120 with No. 2 as an inside bell working in a standard method.
    • Ring the tenors for a touch of 120 of a standard method with the leading tenor (such as 5 or 7), working as an inside bell.
    • Ring two inside bells for a plain course in a standard method of more than five bells – minor, triples or major.
  5. Explain in general terms how a handbell is made and tuned.
  6. Write out plain courses of at least two standard methods or show a knowledge of these methods.