Complete all of the requirements in Section A and any four of the requirements in Section B.

Section A
- Demonstrate an adequate knowledge of the following:
- The transmission of HIV.
- The prevention of HIV and other STIs.
- The description of HIV and AIDS.
- The spectrum and course of HIV and other diseases.
- The role of HIV Testing.
- The role of Schools and Communities.
- HIV/AIDS in Children and Adolescents.
- Psychological Development of Adolescents.
- The Advances in HIV/AIDS Treatment.
- Produce a poster, poem or an essay on any aspect of HIV/AIDS.
Section B
- Complete the following:
- Describe behaviours that may lead to HIV infection.
- Identify the places in the community that provide care and support to people living with HIV/AIDS.
- Make a list of the traditional roles of boys and girls in the community and explain how the society helps to form these roles.
- Complete the following:
- Find out the main causes of teenage pregnancies and explain how they can be prevented.
- Explain four different ways of planning a family.
- Describe the dangers of STIs.
- Complete the following:
- Create a 3 stanza poem or a song on the dangers of STIs.
- Prepare and deliver a 5-minute talk on STIs.
- Explain what he considers as the biggest challenges facing his peers today.
- Complete the following:
- Produce a skit to demonstrate the effects of peer pressure.
- Organize and lead a session on the topic “My Role in the Fight Against HIV/AIDS”.
- Name four health Centres in Barbados where treatment for HIV/AIDS may be accessed.
- Complete the following:
- Produce evidence that he has practiced keeping fit regularly for a period of at least three (3) months.
- Design a postcard on the theme “NO TO SEX, YES TO LIFE”.
- Name and describe symptoms of three sexually transmitted diseases.
- Complete the following:
- List behaviours that may lead to pre-martial sex and expose the youth to sexually transmitted diseases.
- Write a short essay giving his ideas on society’s view on HIV/AIDS.
- Design a poster with the following words “DON’T DISCRIMINATE AGAINST HIV/AIDS INFECTED PERSONS”.