Complete the requirements below:
- Understand how the local Fire Service is organised.
- Explain what action should be taken and why on discovering the outbreak of a fire in the home or at camp.
- Give an explanation of the process of combustion. Know the effects of smoke and heat, and how to act in smoke.
- Know the dangers and fire precautions necessary in the home relating to:
- Oil heaters and open solid fuel fires;
- Portable electric fires;
- Drying clothes;
- Electric wiring and fuses;
- Smoking materials particularly matches;
- Uses of household gas.
- Party decorations, candles;
- Closing doors and windows.
- Explain the benefits of installed smoke detectors and describe where they should be sited.
- Know the dangers of fire at camp and what precautions should be taken.
- Know the causes of heath and grass fires.
- Know how to make an emergency call for the Fire Service.
- Be able to recognise various fire extinguishers including water, dry powder, foam and carbon dioxide types. Know what kinds of fire they should be used on.
- Know how to deal with a person whose clothes are on fire.
- Talk with your family about the actions to be taken in the event of a fire at home.
Taking part in a locally organised course with the Fire and Rescue Service can complete this Badge.