Complete the requirements below:

- Make an active contribution to an entertainment, show or exhibition.
- Take a regular part in an orchestra, choir, band, music group, music workshop or drama.
- Present as part of a Troop programme an aspect of your own or another culture.
- Take responsibility for organising a programme item which involves your Troop in an art, craft, creative activity or some aspect of international Scouting.
- Complete any one of the following:
- Get to know a local place of historical interest, then give a guided tour.
- Find out about a local legend or some local history and present it to others.
- Produce and display a set of photographs, sketches and so on to show the development of your local area.
- Complete any one of the following:
- Visit a local place of interest and produce a large scale plan, models, photographs or sketches of it.
- Build and demonstrate a working model (for example, hot-air balloon, flying aircraft, powered boat, steam engine).
- Participate in a craft workshop, writers’ circle or painting group.
- Complete any one of the following:
- Write an account of a Patrol activity in which you took part, for a newsletter, magazine or newspaper.
- Produce an artistic or literary item (for example, painting, sculpture, poem) to depict or describe a Scouting experience.
- Design and produce advertising material for an event or activity.