Complete the requirements in any one of the following alternatives:

Alternative A – Radio Communication
- Complete the following three tasks:
- Log 25 different amateur radio stations, showing date, time, call sign, frequency, readability and location. Some broadcast stations may be included.
- Demonstrate how to tune a simple communications receiver.
- Give an example of a typical ‘greetings’ message.
- Explain in simple terms how radio waves travel around the world. Know the more commonly used HF and VHF amateur frequency bands.
- Complete the following two tasks:
- Know the Phonetic Alphabet and define at least eight international Q code signals.
- Demonstrate your ability to recognise call signs from the Caribbean and American continent.
- Visit an amateur radio station.
- Understand the regulations governing the use of amateur radio equipment.
Alternative B – Communication Codes
- Send and receive a short message by Morse code or Semaphore at a rate of five words per minute.
- When sending and receiving a message, demonstrate that you know the appropriate procedure.
- Know the International Phonetic Alphabet and define at least eight international Q code signals.
- Construct a simple Morse code oscillator and send a short message.
Alternative C – Mobile and Internet Communication
- Know how to use your mobile safely and how to keep it safe.
- Understand the meaning of the following terms SMS, MMS, 3G, WAP, Bluetooth.
- Send a creative text, multi-media or video message to invite a friend to a Scouts event.
- Manage a mobile phone address book, including the setting up groups.
- Show you can accurately input text at a rate of 50 characters per minute.
- Know how to keep yourself safe when chatting online.
- Know how to use an instant messaging service such as MSN Messenger or AOL Instant Messenger.
- Show you know the meaning of some popular chat abbreviations.
- Send a creative and imaginative e-mail or instant message to a friend showing photos of an enjoyable Scouting activity you have been involved with.
- Manage an e-mail address book, including setting up groups.