Complete the requirements below:
- Hold the Caver 1 badge.
- Learn how caves are formed and be able to talk about them with the examiner.
- Rig and use a ladder pitch under Supervision.
- Undertake, as part of a properly led group, six different trips in at least two different cave systems these to be different from, or extensions of, those logged for the Caver 1 badge. Three of these trips should include sections involving vertical pitches. The accounts of these trips to be presented in the same log as that used for the Caver 1 badge.
- Learn the caving and cave conservation codes and be able to discuss with the examiner measures that can be taken by participants in the activity to reduce conflict and promote conservation.
- Make a study on an aspect of speleology agreed with the examiner and discuss your findings (for example, fauna and flora found in caves, cave photography or bat conservation).
Reference should be made to the Activity Rules in chapter nine of Policy, Organisation and Rules and the Adventurous Activity Permit Scheme.